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City Paper Parking Awards

For Neanderthal drivers

Do your part to make the Baltic more civilized: give the gift of a traffic culture. We urge you to print out the form below (the Estonian version) and put it under the windshield wipers of some of the more creative Estonian drivers. Send us the photographs ([email protected]) , and we’ll post them on a special page where you can view stupidity and childishness in its most developed form.

Congratulations! You’re a nominee!

Thank you for parking the way you do. You are an unselfish credit to society. Your car has been photographed, and you have been nominated for City Paper’s 2006 Baltic Parker of the Year, possibly the highest honor for Neanderthal drivers. To see pictures of your car and other Baltic parkers, visit http://www.citypaper.ee/paper/ Once again, thanks for doing such a fine job behind the wheel. You’re a part of what makes the Baltic such a special place.




Täname Sind, et pargid oma autot sellisel moel. Väärid meie ühiskonnas tõelist äramärkimist oma panuse eest hoolivuse edendamisel!

Sinu autot on pildistatud ja ajakiri City Paper on Sind valinud 2006 aasta Balti Parkijaks, mis on Neandertaallastest autojuhtidele tõenaoliselt suurimaks auavalduseks! Et näha ülesvõtet oma autost ja ka teiststest parkimismeistritest Balti riikides, mine veebiaadressile http://www.citypaper.ee/paper/.

Täname Sind veelkord suurepärase saavutuse eest roolikeerajana! Oled avaldanud olulist mõju Balti riikide ja Eesti kujundamisel just nii suurepärasteks nagu need momendil on!